
CHIMPZEE is working together with the WILD Foundation to help save one of the last herds of desert adapted Elephants..

WILD  Chimpzee Help Protect Elephants

London, United Kingdom May 19, 2023 ( - Chimpzee - a new web3 green crypto project is set to disrupt the way people donate to charity by providing them with a way to benefit and contribute at the same time. This will be done through Chimpzees three-tier ecosystem which employs Shop2Earn, Trade2Earn, and Play2Earn. A percentage of the profits are donated to organizations that share the mission to save animals and fight climate change.

The WILD Foundation was founded in 1974 and is working to keep Earth wild by empowering local communities to protect nature, including elephants! One of their most important programs, which they carry out in partnership with the International Conservation Fund of Canada, protects the last herds of desert-adapted elephants in North Africa. It's difficult not to be inspired by this work, so the Chimpzee project has joined them in their effort.

How Does the WILD Foundation Protect Elephants?

The Mali Elephant herd has the longest migration route of any known herd, crossing a remote and rugged semi-arid region that is the size of Switzerland! Working in these conditions is challenging, which is why WILD trains and empowers local communities to assist in monitoring the elephant population, deterring poaching, and restoring elephant habitat.

The local men and women who patrol the region are known as eco-guards. This is a prestigious position within their communities as many of the local people believe that elephants confer a blessing on the land. WILDs team has also helped establish one of the largest terrestrial biosphere reserves on the planet which adds further protection to the elephants and also helps sustain the livelihoods of approximately 400,000 people living in the reserve. It is a full-time job for these people and supports their families. Donations are needed to pay fair wages, hold town halls, supply trucks,
cars, motorcycles, and camels, for the guards plus radios, phones, equipment, etc.

How Long Has the WILD Foundation Been Protecting These Elephants?

WILD took on this project in the early 2000s. They protect a single herd of about 300 elephants, the last remaining desert-adapted herd in North Africa. There's another desert roaming herd in Namibia but they do not work there. The program is directed by the Oxford scientist, Dr Susan Canney. You can read her case studies here.

How do Elephants Live In The Desert?

They migrate throughout the year seeking water to drink and plants to eat. In the desert, these resources are in short supply which is why protecting their habitat is so critical for their survival. Food for them can be scarce but they have been migrating this way for a very long time. It is how they survive because they know when and where food and water will be available.

This program is another example of how dire the situation is for some popular animal species. We cannot let this continue and need to act now. This is the main reason why the Chimpzee project has taken the initiative to help these boots on the ground organization while still in its presale as the animals and environment cant wait.

Visit the Chimpzee website and join the new Chimpzee movement.

About Chimpzee

Chimpzee is the first web3 project that provides three ways for people to earn passive income while simultaneously saving animals and fighting climate change. The new Chimpzee Green initiative significantly emphasizes protecting our natural environment. It seeks to increase public awareness and revolutionize the way people contribute to charitable organizations that help endangered species and fight climate change.


Source :Chimpzee

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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