
Chef Michael Bennett has now written his most important book..

Health Choices from Chef Michael Bennett

Miami, Florida Sep 11, 2023 ( - Chef Michael was once a follower of the Spa-Cuisine movement that was so popular in the 1990s. He has kept to his culinary roots in his latest Cookbook, Health Choices. This latest cookbook details what Chef Michael Bennett cooked for his wife that had recently been diagnosed with Cancer. His determination to help her in the way he knew best did work for his wife. In a little less than two years, she was cleared of any Lung Cancer nodules.

Since his wife was rid of her Cancer, she wanted to write a recipe book on everything they used to help her rid herself of Cancer. Scanning Chef Michaels recipe index, they decided to choose recipes that were commonly attainable at your local grocer, and she thought were tasty. There were many common ideals to each recipe. 

  • High in Proteins but, they had to be without beef; roasted, cured or dried.
  • Low in Sugar, without any added Glucose and Sucrose.
  • Most had to be high in Healthy Oils (Avocado and nut oils) so they will be filling.
  • Steamed foods whenever it called for Spinach, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, and Kale.
  • They should be high in Anti-oxidants to help with free-radicals that commonly hurt Cancer cures.

The Professionals that Chef Bennett has worked with in the past will describe his recipe development as having and Healthy Balance. That is his gig, says others around the kitchen. He always tries to do the right thing when cooking for his guests, they continue. He is the guy we always turn to for information on how to make our menus better, says another chef in the kitchen. He has perfectly melded the exotic-ness of Caribbean ingredients with the healthy tenants of Spa Cuisine. This is why six of his cookbooks are based using healthy Caribbean ingredients.

Medi-bbean is the term Chef Bennett has developed into an earmark of this healthy South Florida cuisine. He developed this cuisine, keeping the healthy aspects of Mediterranean cooking as the yard-stick to measure each recipe. Essentially, it takes Caribbean ingredients and cooks them healthier than what is common in the Islands. Using the cookery techniques of the Mediterranean has made this cookery one of a kind. Since chef Bennett grew up in South Florida, there was never a question that his recipes always involved Tropical ingredients that flourish in South Florida. 

His recipes and cookery ideals are seen on health-conscious blogs and websites across the internet. Chef Michael and his wife Vicki are living their dream in the Caribbean islands of America, loving the foods that the sea and the tropical climate provides. They have been living there for the past 5 years, 3 of those years have been Caner-free.

Chef Michael Bennett cookbooks


This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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